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was drawn from a normal distribution, then she needs to be able to rec-
ognize normally distributed data. For this reason, the samples studied in
this chapter were generated under carefully controlled conditions, by com-
puter simulation. This allows us to investigate how samples drawn from
specified distributions should behave, thereby providing a standard against
which to compare experimental data for which the true distribution can nev-
er be known. Fortunately, S-Plus provides several convenient functions for
simulating random sampling.
Example 2 Consider the experiment of tossing a fair die n = 20 times.
We can simulate this experiment as follows:
> SampleSpace
> sample(x=SampleSpace,size=20,replace=T)
[1] 1 6 3 2 2 3 5 3 6 4 3 2 5 3 2 2 3 2 4 2
Example 3 Consider the experiment of drawing a sample of size n = 5
from Normal(2, 3). We can simulate this experiment as follows:
> rnorm(5,mean=2,sd=sqrt(3))
[1] 1.3274812 0.5901923 2.5881013 1.2222812 3.4748139
7.1 The Plug-In Principle
We will employ a general methodology for relating samples to populations.
In Chapters 2 6 we developed a formidable apparatus for studying popu-
lations (probability distributions). We would like to exploit this apparatus
fully. Given a sample, we will pretend that the sample is a finite population
(discrete probability distribution) and then we will use methods for studying
finite populations to learn about the sample. This approach is sometimes
called the Plug-In Principle.
The Plug-In Principle employs a fundamental construction:
Definition 7.1 Let x = (x1, . . . , xn) be a sample. The empirical proba-
bility distribution associated with x, denoted Pn, is the discrete probability
distribution defined by assigning probability 1/n to each {xi}.
Notice that, if a sample contains several copies of the same numerical value,
then each copy is assigned probability 1/n. This is illustrated in the following
Example 2 (continued) A fair die is rolled n = 20 times, resulting
in the sample
x = {1, 6, 3, 2, 2, 3, 5, 3, 6, 4, 3, 2, 5, 3, 2, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2}. (7.1)
The empirical distribution P20 is the discrete distribution that assigns the
following probabilities:
xi #{xi} P20({xi})
1 1 0.05
2 7 0.35
3 6 0.30
4 2 0.10
5 2 0.10
6 2 0.10
Notice that, although the true probabilities are P ({xi}) = 1/6, the empirical
probabilities range from .05 to .35. The fact that P20 differs from P is
an example of sampling variation. Statistical inference is concerned with
determining what the empirical distribution (the sample) tells us about the
true distribution (the population).
The empirical distribution, Pn, is an appealing way to approximate the
actual probability distribution, P , from which the sample was drawn. Notice
that the empirical probability of any event A is just
Pn(A) = # {xi " A} � ,
the observed frequency with which A occurs in the sample. By the Law of
Averages, this quantity tends to the true probability of A as the size of the
sample increases. Thus, the theory of probability provides a mathematical
justification for approximating P with Pn when P is unknown.
Because the empirical distribution is an authentic probability distribu-
tion, all of the methods that we developed for studying (discrete) distribu-
tions are available for studying samples. For example,
Definition 7.2 The empirical cdf, usually denoted Fn, is the cdf associated
with Pn, i.e.
# {xi d" y}
� �
Fn(y) = Pn(X d" y) = .
The empirical cdf of sample (7.1) is graphed in Figure 7.1.
-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Figure 7.1: An Empirical CDF
7.2 Plug-In Estimates of Mean and Variance
Population quantities defined by expected values are easily estimated by the
plug-in principle. For example, suppose that X1, . . . , Xn
observe a sample x = {x1, . . . , xn}. Let � = EXi denote the population
mean. Then
Definition 7.3 The plug-in estimate of �, denoted �n, is the mean of the
empirical distibution:
n n
1 1
�n = xi � = xi = xn.
� �
n n
i=1 i=1
This quantity is called the sample mean. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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