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If you have already a great time in parties and other social events,
simply skip this chapter. You won't need it.
Playing the game is giving people what they want! Sure it's great to
accept yourself the way you are but you can do better. You can be
Your present limits are not your real limits. Reach beyond your
present comfort zone to establish a new rhythm and freshness in
your life. Raise your standards!
Here are the greatest turn offs in social situations: difficult person,
self absorbed, sad, melancholic, distant, worried, or unstable.
If you want to have fun, express exactly the opposite
qualities: easy going, generous, happy, joyful, warm, balanced.
What is this game? It is often a flirting game! 90% of guys want
first to have fun on the dating scene. They want to spend time with
people who are fun to be with, so no hang ups.
Guys fall for women who look and feel free! They respond to life
force, to radiance, to excitement, to emotional fuel. What does
emotional freedom look like? Ready to engage! Ready to invest!
Become incredibly attractive to yourself by being a problem free
zone! (at least in social situations). To be successful, simply let go
of what is not attractive in you. Stop doing what is bad for you.
Simplify everything.
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How to flirt with men
People will be magnetized by you when you are a life model they
want to follow. Express their deepest dreams. Express their deepest
desire and they'll simply be attracted to your presence.
Dare! Take risks! Be ready to respond to situations! Be spontaneous!
Trust! Enjoy the magic of the moment.
Being successful is first a gift you give to yourself. Engage!
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How to flirt with men
Office flirt What do I do next?
If you feel attraction and flirt building up with a guy you work with,
here is how to stand in it:
I n 90% of the cases, an office flirt is only a flirt.
This is where it stays.
It does not need to become anything else.
There are many reasons for that but we won't go into it here.
The question is:
How do you flirt and how do you make this experience enjoyable
The goal is simple:
Play the game and don't worry about the outcome.
When you play the game means respond to his invitations, tease
him, be fun, give rhythm to it, challenge him if you can, etc.
You need to do one thing:
Shift from the "I want a relationship with him" to the "Let's have
some light fun" (I am talking about fun, not intimacy) .
Flirting is a key life skill.
When you are good at it, you enjoy life a lot more.
If you feel you miss the skills, go online and set up a free profile on
a dating site.
It is the best place to train your flirting instinct.
Next step, don't focus on him alone.
Flirt with other guys in the office parties or other social events.
Being exclusive with flirting can become boring because it makes
you clingy and dependent.
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How to flirt with men
The moment you see him flirting with other girls, you need other
options to be able to stay on top of it.
Enjoy, gain confidence, experiment and follow your instinct.
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How to flirt with men
Help! My boss flirts w it h m e and I like it!
Having a fling with your boss is a complex thing because you don't
want this story to impact negatively on your career of job.
It is complex because he is in a position of power and sometimes
using his influence as well to get to you.
If you want to play it safe, the best is to keep it on a light flirting
If he goes too far, set up a boundary and educate him on that.
Now, if you are expecting a committed relationship with him, wake
up now!!!
Before you take any step, find out if he is married or in a
If he wants to be intimate with you, find out first what the rule of
the game is.
If you don't want to get hurt, you have to be very smart and not let
your expectations rise high.
These are tricky waters!
Stay awake and aware!
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How to flirt with men
How to know if he is int erested or just flirting?
If he flirts, it means he interested.
Flirting is precisely his way of showing he is interested.
Interested by who?
By you!
He would not be flirting if he wants not attracted to you.
Now, what does he want?
Is he saying: "I want to have a relationship with you?"
No, he isn't.
He might in the future.
However, when he starts flirting with you, all he says is:
"I like you and I feel attracted".
See it for what it is.
If you like the idea of flirting with him than go ahead and keep it
light. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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