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or in the air. Ten Cells secretly placed in key positions are worth ten thousand men in the field.
The methods used to bring Napoleon to ruin in the early part of the nineteenth century were
used to bring about the defeat of the Russian Armies in the war against Japan in 1904, and again
to cause mutiny in the Russian Armies, in 1917, and mutiny in the German Army and Navy in
Communist infiltration into key positions was the real reason the German Generals asked for,
and were granted, an Armistice in November 1918. The same methods were used to destroy the
effectiveness of the Spanish Army, Navy and Air Force in 1936. Exactly the same tactics were
used to bring about the defeat of Hitler after his victorious advances into Russia in World War
Two. Thus history repeats itself, because the same powers use the same methods over and over
again. But most important of all, it was the descendants of the men who brought about
Napoleon s downfall who brought about the defeat of China s National Forces in 1945 and
onwards. Mysterious orders were given which caused millions upon millions of dollars worth
of arms and ammunition to be dumped into the Indian Ocean when they should have gone to
Chiang-Kai-Shek. The true story of the manner in which British and American politicians
betrayed our anti-Communist Chinese and Korean allies will prove that it was the agents of the
International Bankers, manoeuvring to let Communism obtain control of Asia, who deceived
and ill-advised our top-level statesmen. Communism is to-day what it always has been since
1773,  the instrument of destruction and the manual of action used by the international arch-
conspirators to further their own secret plans by which, in the final analysis, they intend to
obtain control of the wealth, natural resources, and manpower of the entire world.
History records how Napoleon was forced to abdicate in Paris in 1814, then he was sent into
exile on St. Elba, he escaped and tried to make a come-back, but he was playing against men
who use loaded dice. Nathan Rothschild, and his international clique, had backed Germany to
defeat Napoleon. They had planned to make money regardless of the outcome of the struggle.
When the Battle of Waterloo was about to be fought Nathan Rothschild was in Paris. He had
obtained, as his place of residence, a palace which overlooked that occupied by Louis XVIII.
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William Carr, Pawns in the Game, ch 4
He could, when he wished, look right into the window of the palace occupied by the aspirant to
the throne of France. He had arranged also to have agents on the field of battle despatch to him
by carrier pigeon information regarding the fighting. Nathan Rothschild also arranged to have
false information sent to England by carrier pigeons regarding the results of the battle. Once he
was sure Wellington had been victorious he had his agents inform the British public that
Wellington had been defeated and that Napoleon was on the rampage again. The fact that
carrier-pigeons played such an important role in this conspiracy gave birth to the expression A
little bird told me. (If a person in England asks another  Where did you get that information ?
the person questioned will most likely say  Oh ! A little bird told me , and let it go at that).
Nathan Rothschild s little birds told lies of such magnitude, regarding the battle of Waterloo,
that the people of Britain went into a panic. The bottom dropped out of the stock market.
English pounds could be bought, for a Song or a shilling. Values of everything fell to an all
time low. Nathan chartered a small vessel for the sum of £2,000 to take him from France to
England. Upon arrival he, and his financial associates, bought up all the stocks, bonds, shares,
other properties, and securities they could get their hands on. When the truth regarding
Wellington s victory became known, values returned to normal. The International money-
lenders made astronomical fortunes.
Why they were not assassinated by some of the people they ruined is beyond comprehension.
As a token of their joy and gratitude for the marvellous feat of arms performed by Wellington
and Blücher, the Rothschilds LOANED England £18,000,000 and Prussia £5,000,000 of this ill-
gotten gain, TO REPAIR THE DAMAGES OF WAR. When Nathan Rothschild died in 1836, he had
secured control of the Bank of England and the National Debt which, after his big financial
killing in 1815, reached £885,000,000.
It is most unlikely that one Freemason in a thousand knows the TRUE story of how the heads of
the Grand Orient Illuminati infiltrated their agents into Continental Freemasonry. Because the
facts related are the truth, the Grand Masters of English Freemasons have warned their Brother
Masons that they must have no truck with Grand Orient Masons or affiliate with them in any
way. The fact that The Revolutionary Illuminati established itself within Continental
Freemasonry, caused Pope Pius IX to publicly denounce Communism, and prohibit Catholics
from becoming Masons. To convince any reader, who may still have doubts, regarding the part
Freemasonry played in the French Revolution, part of a debate, which took place on the subject
in the French Chamber of Deputies in 1904, will be quoted. The Marquis of Rosanbe, after
some searching questions related to proving French Freemasonry was the author of the French
Revolution said :  We are then in complete agreement on the point that Freemasonry was the
only author of the revolution, and the applause which I receive from the Left, and to which I am
little accustomed, proves gentlemen, that you acknowledge with me that it was Masonry which
made the French Revolution ?
To this statement M. Jumel, a well known Grand Orient Mason, replied :  We do more than
acknowledge it ... we proclaim it .[4]
http://yamaguchy.netfirms.com/carr/pawns_04.html (5 of 10)5.4.2006 12:13:32
William Carr, Pawns in the Game, ch 4
In 1923 at a big banquet attended by many men prominent in International Affairs, some of
whom were connected with the League of Nations organization, the President of the Grand [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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